The market’s highest performing in-flight ice protection system (IPS), TKS® systems can be designed for both inadvertent (no-hazard) and Flight Into Known Icing (FIKI) conditions. It is certified for installation in over 100 different aircraft model variants and available for integration on a wide range of general aviation aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicle models in factory, or as retrofit.
The TKS® system has been designed to protect all leading edges of an aircraft, including wings, stabilizers and struts, as well as the propeller and windshield.
Unmatched Anti-ice and de-ice capability
with clean exit performance
Total airframe ice protection
across all aerodynamic surfaces.
Only IPS that can feasibly provide full ice protection, across the full appendix O envelope
(FAR 23. 1419 Appx. O).
Optimal aircraft performance,
minimising power use and preserving the natural laminar flow of the airfoils without degrading performance.
Exceptionally reliable,
with FIKI certification available.
Easy to use,
with three operational modes.
How it works
TKS® guards the surface of your aircraft from freezing by evenly dispersing a freezing point depressant solution across the aircraft frame, preventing the accretion of ice.
The system is designed to be anti-icing but is also capable of de-icing, as TKS® fluid chemically breaks the bond between ice and frame, allowing the system to shed any accumulated ice and prevent any ice build-up thereafter.
Using TKS® fluid, the system depresses the freezing point of moisture encountered in flight to at least the ambient temperature or down to -76°F (-60°C).