Build community engagement by sharing information with community members
Transparency and information are key to building a relationship with your community members. Our public flight tracker is easy to use and provides powerful tools to help residents both understand why aircraft fly where they do and to self-investigate aircraft events. Share noise and flight track data to improve engagement between the airport and the community and increase trust.
Casper Flight Tracking key functionality
Both real-time and historic replay of flight tracks and noise data
Flight track display based on user defined time of day
Compare flight tracks to a home location
Insights in data through pictures and charts
Available in multiple languages
Integrated complaint submission form or portal
Worldwide customers
Casper Flight Tracking is used by airports worldwide to inform their surrounding communities about aircraft movements.
This includes customers of all sizes and designations: from large hub airports to regional airfields, general aviation airports surrounded by noise sensitive areas, and even military bases. Links to our customer websites are shown on the map below
Integrated Complaint Submission
Casper’s Flight Tracker includes an optional complaint submission module which allows users to submit complaints about a specific aircraft or file a general complaint using the customized complaint form or portal. This allows users to investigate flight movements and seamlessly file a complaint if required. For airport staff, the complaint is automatically added to Casper Noise and correlated instantly to the real-world event.