Weight: 19 kg
Wheels: 2 fixed, 1 swivel. Ø 180 mm
Nesting distance: 270 mm (10 carros: 3450 mm)
Information surface:
Cart: 525 x 334 mm
Basket: 480 x 100 mm
Side: 660 x 41 mm
Automatic Handle Folding Force Control Technology
Automatic self-adjusting brake
The aluminum trolleys differentiate themselves by their lightness, strength, ergonomics, functionality and ease of use.
Likewise, at Carttec we believe that the important value contribution of being able to customise the products, in this case, the airport trolleys, is fundamental. Because customisation makes them a factor of differentiation and reinforcement of identity. Not only can you choose the colour of the handle or the plastic elements, but you can also include advertising or the corporate identity of your airport on the very trolleys that your customers will be using.