Reduce wrong-way event response times with an intelligent wrong-way system
The WW400 is an advanced system that detects wrong-way drivers on highway off-ramps, warns them of their error with high-intensity flashing lights, and alerts local traffic management centers (TMC) of the event. Ideal for problematic ramps with high wrong-way driving crash rates, the WW400 system includes two types of units:
1 WW400D detector unit
to detect wrong-way vehicles, trigger warning flashers, and send alert notifications to the TMC.
2+ WW400S warning sign units
that flash high-intensity LED warning lights triggered by a wrong-way vehicle detection.
The system monitors highway ramps in both directions 24 hours a day without interfering with other traffic detection systems. As a wrong-way vehicle approaches the WW400 system, the radar unit detects the incoming vehicle and simultaneously triggers the LED warning lights and activates the cameras and video analytics.
The system then uses advanced image-processing algorithms to process the video. When the cameras confirm the wrong-way event, the WW400 automatically sends an alert notification and event package containing a configurable sequence of images, video and other data to the local TMC.
This intelligent system provides a higher level of accuracy during the day, night and adverse weather conditions.