The field proven BRAMOR C4EYE UAS line is suitable for operations where real-time or near real time video observation and surveillance capability is of utmost importance. With an endurance of up to 3 hours, a standard data and payload link of up to 40km LOS, or the optional MANET digital communications capabilities.
We have put this machines through their paces in battle zone conditions and the MOD has decided that this will be the UAS of choice for future procurement.
Non-Governmental and private organizations and sovereign actors alike use the C4EYE UAS for a myriad of applications such as Search and Rescue, wildfire containment and mitigation, pipeline and infrastructure monitoring, ISR missions, conflict zone surveillance, convoy and transportation support, perimeter monitoring, border monitoring, environmental monitoring, anti-poaching, wildlife observation, remote sensing research and ice flow dynamics. A myriad of other sensors, options and communications reach, capability and security extensions are available on these systems.
Up to 3,5h endurance*
Flight range up to 150 km
Video/Datalink range up to 40 km
No radar signature
100% autonomous
Wind resistant up to 30 knots
In-flight waypoint management
Camera, Altitude, and Target prosecution guidance modes
Carbon / KevlarTM / VectranTM Construction
Simple flight planning
One or Two person operation
Catapult takeoff
Accurate Parachute Landing in a 30m x 30m zone