Floor Proximity Emergency Escape Path Marking Systems
Bruce Aerospace offers “PEEPLS™” Passenger Emergency Escape Path Lighting Systems and “Pathfinder™” Seat Mounted Emergency Escape Path Marking Systems in both LED and incandescent versions.
We have been designing, certifying and manufacturing these systems with great success since 1986 and hold over 28 STC's on different aircraft models.
The PEEPLS product line consists of a floor track that is mounted directly to the floor with a sticky back that is then secured into place with both sides covered with carpet. The top track, available in multiple colors, is placed on the floor covering the wire harness assembly, lamp holders, lamps/LED’s, and light modules. The light modules are hard resilient plastic that is available in translucent white, red or with arrows.
The Pathfinder product line light fixture assemblies for seat mounted applications are available in round and oblong shapes and in translucent white, red or with red arrows. Systems can be quoted quickly with a LOPA showing the seating and monument locations. The manufacturing lead time for this systems and components is 4 weeks ARO.