The ThunderB is a small tactical long-range, long-endurance UAS with extraordinary capabilities once found only in much larger and heavier systems. With a small logistic footprint and automatic take-off/landing it’s the ideal UAS to take into the field.
Always ready for your
next mission
Remarkably cost-effective, ThunderB, with it’s automatic pneumatic launcher, was designed for optimal flexibility in defense, HLS and civilian missions, operated and maintained by a two-man crew. It’s reusable parachute and protective airbag simplify in-the-field recovery.
Real-time Intelligence and
Situational Awareness
ThunderB’s advanced capabilities and versatility enable it to conduct covert, extended-range day and night ISTAR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance) missions, providing intelligence assets that include rapid GPS-marked, high-definition video, and photogrammetric tactical mapping on demand (TMOD).
makes it ideal for precise surgical missions. Small cargo capsules under its wings can be released automatically or on command, following a ballistic trajectory to their objective or dropped via a small parachute to protect fragile items. This capability is extremely effective in search and rescue missions, delivery of essential materials and deploying ground sensors.
ThunderB’s other operational
include border security, law enforcement, convoy and force protection, artillery support and a wide range of other military and civil applications.
Exceptional performance
24+ hrs endurance,
up to 150km communication range
Mission Flexibility
Variety of high-performance sensors, comms and software algorithms
Covert Operation