Harmonised Standard UNI EN ISO 20345:12
Category S1P ESD SRC
complies with the requirements of Regulation UE 2016/425
The article in question is identical to the PPE with examination certificate: UE type Module B no. F-113-04119-21.(04/02/2021)
Issuing agency A.N.C.I. Servizi Srl – Sez. CIMAC – Via Aguzzafame 60/b – 27029 Vigevano (PV) (Notified Body no. 0465)
Moreover, the PPE meets the requirements of the Standards CEI EN IEC 61340-4-3:2018, CEI EN IEC 61340-4-5:2018, CEI EN 61340-5-1:2016 /COR1:2017 with regard to the requirements for "specific elements of ESD protection" (ESD = Electrostatic Discharge).