The one-place Pitts S-1S. It’s sheer, unadulterated, scream your brains out fun, whether you do aerobatics or not.
Not just for Aerobatics: Yes, the Pitts Special is a world-class aerobatic airplane, but that is a pilot controlled option. If what you want is a super flying machine, then the Pitts S-1S is the airplane for you.
Super-proven Design: For 66 years, pilots have been pushing the envelope with the S-1 and it has one of the most proven structures in the world. The S-1S has been certified to FAA Standards since 1973.
Performance: The controls are light and the airplane is very responsive. You don’t fly this airplane; you wear it. There is no slop in the controls. Ask it to do something and it does it.
The S-1S will work easily out of a 1,800 foot strip with more or less clear approaches. As you get to know the airplane, you’ll be willing to work even shorter runways. This airplane loves grass.
The two-place Pitts Special S-2B can be flown competitively in unlimited class competition. It is ideal for advanced aerobatic instruction and is our most popular model. Most students who have learned in slower, less responsive aerobatic aircraft, find the Pitts simply requires less work to perform maneuvers accurately. To put it simply, Pitts pilots have more fun!
The S-2B is obviously capable of highly advanced maneuvers, yet it is easy enough to fly for pilots just beginning their aerobatic training. The S-2B has been superseded by the S-2C and is no longer in production. However, Aviat Aircraft carries a full line of original manufacturer’s spare parts.