The rugged, reliable Husky 180 hp A-1C was designed for people who’d rather fly a real airplane. It’s ideal for landings on grass, glaciers, river beds, rivers, meadows, roads, frozen lakes, unfrozen lakes, sand beaches, sand bars, aircraft carriers and pick-up trucks. It’s the perfect solution for serious fly fishing, for hauling medical supplies, pipeline patrol, cattle counting, fish spotting, gendarme work, backpacking, mountain leaping, safaris, photography and exciting weekend adventures of all types.
You can’t beat it for STOL performance, for fun flying, ease of handling, speed, comfort and range. The Husky is best in its class. Think of it as a passport to the backcountry. The Husky A-1C-180 meets rigid FAR Part 23 government specs. It is certified to fly with a gross weight in excess of a REAL ton (2200 pounds on floats, 2250 on wheels). Nothing can touch it for getting into and out of remote areas.
Taildragger pilots can transition in an hour or two and if you’ve never flown a REAL airplane, you’ll find it docile, forgiving and about as easy as taildragger flying can get.
The Husky A-1C-180 has an incredible speed range of 50 to 140 mph, a range of 800 miles and a rate of climb of 1500 fpm (at 2000 pounds). It makes an excellent IFR platform, is designed for comfort on long cross-country flights and it will hold its value with a minimum of maintenance. Husky’s are also known for holding their value when it’s time to upgrade. You can’t make a better investment in recreational and utility flying.