Professional equipment with electronics and flight control fully developed and manufactured in Europe under strict quality controls. It has redundant security systems that ensure the success and durability of the RPAS platform. The aircraft is made entirely of high quality materials: carbon fiber, aeronauritic aluminum and titanium, which gives the pair lightness and a high mechanical performance that influence the durability of the system.
This equipment is suitable for industrial inspections, multi-spectrum aerophotogrammetry (for professional aerial surveying and precision agriculture). Thanks to its load capacity it can carry multiple visible spectrum image sensors, infrared and multispectrum, as well as other custom payment loads. Different types of gyrostabilized benches can be used, with two and three degrees of freedom and with brushless motorization or with digital servo motors.
It allows the realization of automatic flights stored on the aircraft and hot shipping without the need for external PC or tablet in the field.
This platform has certified its safety and flight perfomances at the Unmanned Aircraft Experimetal Flight Testing Center by the Aerospace Technology Center and its Avionics and Unmanned Systems department.
The equipment can be supplied with dual GPS system with electronic surface filter that guarantees a superior quality in the reception of satellite signal allowing to capture 50% more signal than a traditional GPS antenna system.
Easily foldable and transportable equipment without the need for external tools.
Recommended for:
Topography and inspection with standard sensors.
Great maneuverability.
Reduced size.