High intensity, uni-directional, elevated runway approach lighting suitable for use in all weather operation installations up to ICAO category III system. For use in 6.6A airfield lighting circuits, normally supplied from one series circuit isolating transformer.
The complete fitting comprises of a light head containing the optical components and a choice of three ‘gimble’ type mounting arrangements, either M32 or M25 stem or 50/60mm O/D coupling for approach pole structures.
The optical system of the light head comprises of a high purity anodized aluminium reflector, protected by an outer aluminium body casting supporting an airfield standard 100W, 150W or 200W Pk30d prefocus tungsten halogen lamp and heat resistant spreader glass, such that no refocusing on installation, maintenance or in service is required. Separate colour filters outside the fitting are not to be used. Lamp replacement is easily effected via the rear of the fitting and will not require any tools. The objective lamp life at maximum intensity will not be less than 1,200 hours on a constant current series circuit.
The fitting design allows installation either at ground level or on short support poles using an FAA type breakable coupling or alternatively on an approach lighting structure by means of either an M32 or M25 stem or 50/60mm O/D pole mounting coupling. To simplify maintenance procedures the light head can be easily removed from the gimble mounting and replaced without the need for any re-sighting.
The light head is constructed such that the weight of the complete assembly, excluding the ‘gimble’ mounting, shall not exceed 1.8kg.