The unique features of the salt spray test chamber, allows you better observation and access to your corrosion testing. The construction is made of high-quality Lucite®️ plexiglass on five sides making it the only 360-degree view into the chamber workspace.
Completely self-contained, the MX Series salt spray chambers allow for test items to be subjected to a corrosive environment without introducing other contaminants into the test area.
STANDARDS. The standard MX-9204 salt spray test chamber has an atomizing nozzle that can be factory set to be compliant with the following standards:
MIL-STD-883K, with optional modification
MIL-STD-19500, with optional modification
HEATING SYSTEM. To ensure temperature uniformity in the test workspace, the unit uses two separate RTD sensors. One for holding and conditioning incoming water to an accurate 45.5°C (113.9°F). As the water is mixed with the salt solution and atomized the temperature falls. In the product workspace, a second RTD sensor holds the ambient temperature at a steady 35°C (95°F) as the fog fills the workspace.
Salt Spray chambers are commonly used to evaluate the corrosive properties of:
Phosphated surfaces (with subsequent paint/primer/lacquer/rust preventive)
Zinc and Zinc-alloy plating (see also electroplating)
Electroplated chromium, nickel, copper and tin
Coatings not applied electrolytically (such as zinc flake coatings)
Organic Coatings
Paint Coatings