The SCB-H light is a wireless solar led light to provide easily installed, removable ad low-cost visual aids for heliports, without any needs of external energy, cabling or site preparation. During the day, the SCB-H battery is charged by sunlight via the four photovoltaic panels. The capacity of its battery and the performances of the panels ensures that, even with low sunny levels for long periods, the SCB can operate efficiently.
The SCB light is the main component of SILAS – Solar Illumination Aeronautical System - made by ASSN to connect the SCB lights as an integrated system, allowing the wireless remote monitoring and control of each lamp
The SCB-H lights can be assembled in several configurations of different light typology (omnidirectional or directional) and color (green, white, blue), according to their operational use in the heliport:
•TLOF + area lighting
•Taxiways edge (ONLY when heliport/helipad is located inside an airport area)