Main Responsibility of FCC which is designed for use on GÖKBEY nd ATAK-II helicopters, is to provide autopilot functionality to the air vehicle it is mounted. FCC has all the interfaces which are required to control a rotary wing air vehicle and two powerful CPUs to control these interfaces.
FCC consists of RTCA-DO-254 Level A certifiable hardware and RTCA DO-178B Level A certifiable BSP and driver software for Green Hills Integrity 178TUMP and Wind River WxWorks 653 realtime operating systems
FCC has two lanes which has identical IO functionality and dissimilar CPU and Operating Systems. Both lanes are functional during flight. Lanes either manage the autopilot functionality or monitor the other lane. Dissimilar CPU and RTOS architecture reduces to possibility of common mode failure based on CPU or RTOS.
Power isolated interfaces groups, Built-in-Test capabilities, dual redundant architecture, dissimilar CPUs and rugged designed hardware provides reliable and safe operation for FCC during the flight.
General Specifications
• RTCA DO-254 Certifiable Hardware
• RTCA DO-178B Certifiable Software
• BSP and Driver Software for Real-Time Operating Systems
• Built-In Test Capability
• To be used in GÖKBEY Turkish Light Utility Helicopter, ATAK-II Turkish Attack Helicopter and other possible rotary wing airborne platforms.
• Cooling Method: 28VDC Fan
• 84 x Discrete input, 38 x Discrete Output
• 8 x software configurable asynchronous /synchronous,
• half/full duplex, RS-422/RS-485 Interface (2400 - 10 Mbit)
• 4 x CAN 2.0 A&B compatible CAN Interface
• 24 x Rx and 14 x Tx ARINC 429 interface (12.5 Kbps - 100 Kbps)
• 2 x 10/100 Ethernet interface