Arcam EBM Q20plus
The Arcam EBM Q20plus is specifically designed for cost-efficient production of aerospace components, such as turbine blades, structural airframe components and much more. The build envelope allows for building large components and optimal stacking of smaller ones. The build chamber interior is developed for easy powder handling and fast turn-around times.
The Arcam EBM process takes place in a vacuum and at elevated temperatures, resulting in stress relieved components with material properties better than cast and comparable to wrought material.
The machine includes Arcam EBM xQam™ technology for high precision autocalibration, a powerful software platform and electronics for efficient and accurate beam control. It also features Arcam EBM LayerQam™, a camera-based monitoring system for part quality control. The Arcam EBM Q20plus can be delivered with a powder recovery system for efficient powder handling.
Arcam EBM xQam™ for high precision autocalibration
Arcam EBM LayerQam™ for part quality control
Efficient powder handling
Electron Beam Power
3 kW
Build volume
350 x 380mm (Ø/H)
Available Materials
Arcam EBM Ti6Al4V Grade 5, P-Material
Arcam EBM Ti6Al4V Grade 23, P-Material