The APCO Thrust is one of the longest standing wings in our range. Thrust is a beginner / intermediate classic (non-reflex) wing, which is simple to use, safe and easy to progress with.
It is universally liked and has withstood the test of time throughout the evolution of paramotor wings.
The Thrust V continues the legacy of the Thrust, but is a completely new wing – updated with latest technology available!
FAR ® – Flow Aligned Ribs – Thrust V is the first model to incorporate this feature ! It is the correct way to position the ribs of the glider – simply explained the tips will generate more lift! This additional lift improves performance and more importantly, the safety and stability of the wing.
APP ® – shark nose profile allows higher maximum speed while retaining a more constant internal pressure – the canopy is rigid, boosting confidence to novice pilots.
Butt holes 2 – as the name suggests, these holes will easily allow release of any sand or debris collected inside the canopy.
Launch – SRS® risers aids Launch, bringing the wing overhead quickly and effortlessly with no overshooting, making forward launch second nature for any pilot.
Risers – Redesigned, simplified riser, with 2 different attachment point options for any harness motor combination
Take Off and Landing – As easy as it gets, contrary to reflex profiles, the Thrust has a high lift, classic profile. This allows the wing to take off and land at the slowest speeds possible. The risers are cluster free, simple to operate and understand. This wing will be perfect for schooling as there is no simpler or quicker way to get airborne.