The Amphenol Energy Shunting Assembly (ESA) is a simple, compact unit which provides lightning and electromagnetic pulse (EMP) protection of systems in which many signal lines enter sensitive electronic
equipment. The efficient packaging of the ESA circumvents the concept of one protective device per line. It provides a surge arrestor which has the advantage of space saving and simplified assembly when compared to current protective devices which range from diodes to large spark gaps.
The current ESA design consists of two 53-pin contact, Mil-Standard, hermetic connectors assembled back to back, and encompassing a ground plate. A sealed chamber is formed within this thru-bulkhead unit, housing 53 in-line spark gaps. Introducing a controlled atmosphere enhances fast rise breakdown.
The ESA can be integrated with an EMI filter connector which can improve its performance. These two assemblies provide a method to help protect against lightning, EMP, EMI and TEMPEST effects.