Balance every aircraft perfectly and achieve more on-time departures
Leverage precise calculations on passenger numbers and cargo load to perfectly balance aircraft and to achieve more on-time departures.
Calculate passenger numbers and cargo
Amadeus Altéa Departure Control for Ground Handlers - Flight Management provides you with precise calculations on passenger numbers and cargo load. So you can produce the most efficient load distribution, for every aircraft.
Calculate taxi and trip fuel requirements
Calculate the taxi and trip fuel required for each journey. This helps your airline customers to optimize fuel consumption.
Achieve more on-time departures
Automte many of the processes associated with managing multiple flight departures, saving time and helping you to achieve more on-time departures.
Prevent delays
Reduce the impact of unforeseen circumstances. You can more easily and quickly communicate any changes to your team, who can then respond to prevent delays.
Monitor multiple flights from one display
Switch from one flight to another, monitoring any changes to schedules, passenger numbers and cargo weight from the one screen.
Get more done with accurate data sharing
With precise and up-to-date information, you and your team can operate more efficiently, more quickly, and more effectively.
Manage more flights per shift
Load controllers can manage more flights and load sheets in the same shift with automated flight departure monitoring and integrated business rules.
Handle operations locally or remotely
Manage your load control operations either remotely from a Centralized Load Control (CLC) office, or locally, at an outstation.