The Ziegler Forcer can far more than just transport enormous amounts of extinguishing agents. The ultra-modern, extremely precise ZIEGLER pump and admixture technique give our TLF concentrated power. The intelligent aluminum panel superstructure system ALPAS on the chassis, and the flexible equipment make the vehicle multi-functional, and thus can be used in the urban or industrial environment as well as in backwoods or impassable regions. No matter where and whenever a fire breaks out:
Good reasons to choose Ziegler
Decades of “Know-how” in the manufacture of fire fighting vehicles
Unique aluminum panel system ALPAS to reduce the weight
Fully variable equipment and component lockers
Fire fighting vehicles, equipment and hoses from one single source
Comprehensive service and spare parts warranty
DiVERSITY IS security
The extinguishing water is limited or not available at all: this can happen anywhere – whether in rural areas, on motorways or remote roads, in large industrial plants or old town area. Before such a case becomes a problem, it needs this Forcer reliably and safely get through the paved roads.
Ziegler Forcer are available according to - on one hand the standards, on the other hand the individual specifications. We offer a wide range of vehicles, from the standard Forcer to the TLF 4000, which can be set up on all common chassis.
Whether the street or all-wheel drive, squad or with crew cabin - everything is possible. Through our unbeatable flexible ALPAS superstructure system, we can offer completely independent equipment variants in addition to the standard load,