•The wind conc is simple in structure, rcliablc in opération and easy to maintain
•Professional lighting system design with uniform luminescent performance, strict LED color management to ensure premium color consistency
•Intcrior LED lighting is featured by long working life, energy conversation, maintcnancc-frcc, which brings cnormous economic benefits to customcrs
•Spécial mctallic conductivc structures, in which wircs do not twirl as windsock rotâtes
•Frangible Pôle, 4.8m in length, which arc made of aluminum alloy material, rust-proof and corrosion-résistant
•Frangible support, 4.8m in length, which could avoid damaging aircrafts when accidents happcn in the utmost
•Rigid supportive pôle with inclinable structural design, simple structure, convenient for maintenance
•Wind sock rotation made of deep groove bail bearing scat to ensure the rotation flcxibility and show the real direction of the wind
•Optional windsock dimensions, color and number of stripes on the fabric
•Windsock framework made of aluminum alloy, low-mass, durable design
•Fabric for the windsock made of lightweight, high-strength waterproof cloth, which is lightsome and flexible
•Détachable windsock and framework. easy to ship and store
•Powcr-drivcn integrated circuits assures stable opération and easy maintenance
•220V AC or 6.6A Constant Currcnt Power Supply