•LED ratcd 70,000 hours, effective cncrgy saving, maintcnancc-frcc, which brings cnormous cconomic bcncfits to customer
•Excellent optical design to ensure full lighting spot when the glass is partially obscurcd
•Strict LED color management to ensure premium color consistency
•Consistent dimming curve with halogen lamp future, complying with FAA standards
•Proprietary driving circuit and thermal management solution, which grcatly improves the rcliability and service life of light fixturc
•Power factor above 0.9, which minimizes the power network interference
•Optional function of single lamp failure détection, which enables the light to bc open as halogen lamp once LED fails
•Compact structure and attractive appearance, with small windward arca and strong wind résistance capability
•The main body is made of aluminum alloy with anti-corrosion surface treatment, ail fasteners arc made of stainlcss stcel, suitable for various harsh environment applications
•High-precision parts and components machining to ensure ail dimensional quality and accuracy
•Forgcd frangiblc dcvicc with précisé machining, complying with FAA standards, ensuring good stability and rcliability
•IP67-grade ingress protection of the fixture, kcep interior from dust The
•fixturc can bc connectcd with onc or two-inch extension pôle, convcnicnt installation, firmness and rcliability
•The calibrator can be dircctly mounted to the body with convcnicnt and précisé installation and calibration
•Interchangeable, modular-dcsigncd components, applicable for ail kinds of elevated unidircctional lights(LED type), which cffectivcly cuts down the inventories.