Schiebel’s CAMCOPTER S-100 Unmanned Air System (UAS) is a proven capability for military and civilian applications. The Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) UAS needs no prepared area or supporting launch or recovery equipment. It operates day and night under adverse weather conditions, with a range out to 200 km both on land and at sea.
World leading UAV
The S-100 navigates automatically via pre-programmed GPS waypoints or can be operated directly with a pilot control unit. Missions are planned and controlled via a simple point-and-click graphical user interface. High-definition payload imagery is transmitted to the control station in real time. Using “fly-by-wire” technology controlled by redundant flight computers the UAV can complete its mission automatically in the most complex of electromagnetic environments. Its carbon fiber and titanium fuselage provides capacity for a wide range of payload / endurance combinations.
Maritime operations
The S-100 is a significant force multiplier for maritime commanders extending the reach of the ship beyond the horizon. It greatly improves the decision makers’ situational understanding and operational responsiveness. The S-100 unmanned helicopter has successfully completed extensive shipborne trials and is deployed with various navies worldwide.
Payload capabilities
The CAMCOPTER S-100 features platform and payload growth capabilities – with two payload bays, an auxiliary electronics bay as well as two side payload hard points and the ability to carry underslung loads. The maximum payload weight is 50 kg (110 lbs).
The CAMCOPTER S-100 is able to carry multiple sensors enabling customers to gather images with an EO/IR camera,