Modern MRO facilities hangars vary a great deal in planning and design. The type of hangar used depends on the type and number of aircraft to be serviced and on the nature of the maintenance to be performed as well as the extent of existing facilities at the maintenance base to carry out associated aircraft repair and maintenance works. This functionality determines the shape, size and arrangement of the hangar and the extent of workshops to be provided.
The most common hangars have a rectangular footprint and are of arch or frame construction. They often are more than 100 m wide and are provided with an associated annexe structure which houses various workshops, control rooms, offices, staff facilities and services essential for the effective and efficient maintenance of aircraft.
Hangars can be designed for a Nose-in or Tail-in configuration. The use of a Nose-in configuration allows the opportunity to design a ‘stepped’ hangar which can realize significant project cost savings. Tail-in aircraft arrangements allow a simple tail dock arrangement to be provided with minimal impact on the hangar roof structure. In either option, the provision of an internal open mezzanine provides an efficient materials handling and aircraft access route within the hangar envelope which allows a smaller workshop footprint.
ASI is able to provide various hangar options to determine the most appropriate facility to meet the Client expectation in terms of appearance, functionality and cost.