DG1 is a solution for customers with demands for high-accuracy positioning provided by AheadX, including Base station on theground and airborne Rover mobile station. Both of them are indus-try-level GNSS position product with lower power consumption andhigh performance, and featured with small volume and light weight.High-accuracy GNSS OEM main board is used in the product,providing high-level quality guarantee of testing data. The embed-ded high-performance DG1 microprocessor can realize the datasampling frequency of 50Hz. When used in combination with thenavigation flight control system, DG1 can realize real-time kineticdifference (RTK), cutput high-accuracy position data for flight. Atthe same time, DG1 can record the original data from satelliteobservation, which can be put in differential calculation after com-pletion of the flight mission with post processing software. Centime-ter-level positioning accuracy can be obtained under both situa-tions, making the product rather suitable for high-accuracy aerialphotograph and aerial survey operation and greatly promoting theoperation efficiency and quality of aerial photography.