• Cradle (AGSE-E227-G01) designed to fit & pin onto Pneumatic Tire Dolly (9C6032P01) to support GEnx-1B production full engines with or without inlet
• Compliant with GE Statement of Work for 11C3442 (-1B) as reference, design loads, maximum dynamic loads, & engine GSE interface points
• Cannot be used with any other tooling
o Stand (while supported by Pneumatic Tire Dolly) can be used for fan separation/mate with additional tooling
• Towable from AFT end only when supported by Pneumatic Tire Dolly
• Maximum towing speed is 8 Km/h or 5 MPH
Dimensions* & Weight:
• Without Engine: 194” (Length) x 96” (Width) x 72.5” (Height) / 2,300 LBS
• With Bare GEnx-1B Engine: 194” (Length) x 139.4” (Width) x 139.3” (Height) / 15,800 LBS
*All dimensions are cradle only