Design Features
Steel-core forcer provides high force per unit volume
Continuous force to 697.1 N (156.7 lb); peak force to 1507.2 N (338.8 lb)
Unlimited travel length by stacking magnet tracks
High-energy, rare-earth magnets used in magnet track for high acceleration capability
Optional water cooling for highest throughput
Ideal for pick and place, assembly, and general automation
Follows the 2011/65/EU RoHS 2 Directive
The BLMFS5 series linear motors are designed to provide a higher throughput and lower profile alternative to conventional linear motor applications. This is achieved through a proprietary manufacturing process and laminated iron-core design.
The forcer assembly contains Hall-effect devices and a thermal sensor, and is a compact, reinforced ceramic epoxy structure.
The BLMFS5 series utilizes steel laminations to produce more force for a given forcer coil length. This makes it ideal for high speed point-to-point motion. The attraction force can also be used as a bearing pre-load.