Air consumption, m3/s - 15÷18* - 130÷256*
Air Pressure, kPa - 2 (speed) - 6,5 (static)
Electric power, kW - 24÷37 - 500÷2500*
Weight, kg - 495 - 730**
Length, mm - 3.25 - *
Diameter, m - 0.89 - 2.26
Power Supply, V / Hz - 0.71 - *
Protection level - IP-54 - *
Operation temperature, 0С - -40…+40 - -40…+40
FANS are made by application of aircraft industry materials and technologies.
Designed for ventilating:
— subway tunnels;
— railway tunnels;
— road tunnels;
— mines;
— metal mines;
— other underground premises.