Aerostar Tactical UAS (TUAS), one of the most efficient and cost-effective systems of its class, and a world-leading tactical UAV system.
To date, it has logged over 250,000 operational flight hours flying missions worldwide (operational in 4 continents). The performance and reliability of this combat-proven system are unprecedented in the UAS industry.
Aerostar TUAS is equipped with advanced, proprietary components developed in-house at Aeronautics: the flight control system (FCC) and the control software.
Key features and capabilities
Optimal performance-to-platform size ratio
Large payload bay, supporting multiple payloads
Highly reliable fuel-injection engine
Accurate GPS/INS navigation and targeting
Navigation in GPS denied zones
Extended range, supported by fully directional datalink
Automatic Take-Off and Landing (ATOL) capability
Range of programmable autonomous flight modes
User-friendly and intuitive control interface
LAN based GCS, C4I compatible
Built in flight & mission Simulator
Fast turn-around-time between sorties
Easy maintenance and small logistics footprint
The Aerostar is equipped with a large payload bay, and carries several types of payloads, including advanced, stabilized EO/ IR sensors, Laser designation, Synthetic Aperture Radars (SAR)\GMTI, various electronic intelligence sensors (COMINT,ELIINT) and other advanced payloads. This capability is accommodated through the flexible control architecture.