Remote Mount, Light Weight
Nav-Strobe-Position Lights
Commercial Aircraft-Quality Components for Your Experimental or Home-Built Aircraft
Kit No. 156-0049 Consists of:
One 073-0540R -Light Assembly (Red lens) ; wt. 6 oz. ea.
One 073-0540G -Light Assembly(Green lens) ; wt. 6 oz. ea.
Two Power Supplies (please specify):
152-0007 - 12 Volt Power Supplies (each draws 1.5 amps and weighs 1.33 lbs.)
152-0011 - 12 Volt Double Flash Power Supplies (each draws 2.7 amps and weighs 1.33 lbs.)
152-0010 - 24 Volt Single Flash Power Supplies (each draws 1.0 amps and weighs 1.25 lbs.)
Specifications for Power Supplies:
Dimensions: 5-1/2" long x 3 11/16" wide x 2-1/2" high
Output: 10 Joule