Heated aircraft de-icing sprayer MHDU10
Aero-Sense light de-icing equipment MHDU10 is the perfect solution for the uncomplicated deicing of general aviation aircraft and business jets, but also military aircraft and helicopters. This unit can contain up to 10 liters of deicing fluid (TYPE I, II,… any glycol based deicer), has a total empty weight of approximately 14kg and can easily be moved around due to the rubber wheels and handle. Completely built out stainless steel, it is solid enough to withstand the most harsh conditions! A 350 watt heating element with built in thermostat and capillary thermometer ensures the fast and safe heating of the deicing fluid. A double walled expanded perlite insulated container, guarantees a minimal temperature drop of the preheated fluid. Extendable deicing lances and optional spray heads are available upon request.