The Juice Power Distribution Module powers the Ganymede Laser Altimeter (GALA), an instrument designed to study the topography of Jupiter’s moon Ganymede and to measure changes in its shape caused by tides (tidal amplitude).
Juice is a mission designed primarily to study Jupiter’s moon Ganymede in detail. Mission goals are also to gain new knowledge about Europa and Callisto. The goal is to determine whether these moons support life and are habitable for living beings. The mission will observe Jupiter’s atmosphere and magnetic field and study how it interacts with Jupiter’s moons. The thickness of the ice crust on Europa will be examined, and possible landing sites for future missions will be sought. On Ganymede, the surface of the ice is being studied, as well as the thickness and internal structure of the moon, including the ocean beneath the ice. So far, Ganymede is the only moon in the solar system known to have a magnetic field. The mission will study this magnetic field in more detail. JUICE has instruments to study the ice particles ejected from Europa, as well as the exosphere of Jupiter’s moons.