To ensure easy handling with our Service Robots we provide our customers a competent team aside from planning to commissioning.
Our employees, with over 20 years of experience in robotics technology, know the customers’ requirements to autonomous robots.
Therefore we are able to successfully develop and implement innovative solutions with the latest technologies.
The final assembly of our Service Robots takes place in Ulm / Baden-Württemberg. Thereby, much importance is placed on the use of a
high quality components and the use of qualified professional personnel.
Typically the ADLATUS CR 700 cleans completely autonomously. A manual operation mode can additionally be selected.
If a spot requires sudden cleaning, the robot can be requested via tablet or smartphone and be given an automatic local spot cleaning job or you can just clean the spot in manual operation.
The advanced navigation system of ADLATUS CR 700 provides reliable movement in complex environments.
Its powerful sensors and intelligent processing of sensor data allows to confidently capture objects which are very difficult to be detected, such as people or hanging materials: Depending on the environment / building structure, various approaches of navigation can be selected.
One location methodology is used in objects with many fixed obstacles, such as walls and shelves, without the use of artificial landmarks.
The other localization methodology is used in environments with strongly varying obstacles and with few static structures. For this purpose, artificial landmarks are installed in the object.