The essential of DED technology in a compact format, particularly suitable for material research activities.
The ideal tool for research centers
With its compact size, the Modulo 250 machine is not only intended for manufacturing small-sized parts: it is particularly suitable for material research activities.
Many laboratories, universities and research centers have already adopted this Directed Energy Deposition machine (DED). Thus, they can explore other ways than those already being studied with PBF technology.
Unique coaxial technology
The machines of the Modulo range are equipped with high-performance and precise deposition nozzles, using a coaxial cone powder projection technology. The 10Vx nozzle on the Modulo 250 machine is capable of creating weld beads with a width of only 0.8 to 1.2 mm, with an accuracy of 0.1 mm.
Towards multi-material applications
The Modulo 250 machine offers a major innovation: it can be equipped with a powder-mixing system. This system opens the way for a large number of new applications: material gradient parts (gradually shifting from material A to material B), coated parts, parts with alternating layers of materials.