RELIANCE single-sided LED illuminated airfield guidance signs are used as information, mandatory instruction, position and direction indicators.
Compliance with Standards
ICAO Annex 14 Volume I (current edition)
EASA CS-ADR-DSN (current edition)
Australia MOS 139 NATO STANAG 3316
RELIANCE illuminated airfield guidance signs are used as information, mandatory instruction, position and direction indicators in accordance with ICAO Annex 14, Section 5.4 Signs. The signs are available with 322 km/h or 480 km/h wind load compliant options.
RELIANCE illuminated gate signs are used as aircraft stand identification sign in accordance with ICAO Annex 14, Section 5.4 Signs.
Information Sign
Informational Direction, Destination, and Boundary signs - black inscription on a yellow background. Designed to guide pilots to a particular point on the airfield by identifying runway exits, taxiway directions, taxiway intersections, taxiway ending, and inbound/ outbound destinations, boundaries.
Mandatory Sign
Mandatory Instruction sign – white inscription on a red background. Designed to identify holding positions, runway intersections, and prohibit aircraft entry into designated areas.
Location Sign
Runway and Taxiway Location signs - yellow inscription on a black background and only where it is a stand-alone sign shall have a yellow border. Designed to identify taxiway and runway location on which the aircraft is located.
Aircraft Stand Identification Sign
Gate and Stand Identification signs - black inscription on a yellow background.