Airport Security 2D Ku-Band GSR Radar System
The Accipiter® NM1-T1002 Security Radar System is a software-definable surveillance radar specially designed for detection and tracking of fast and slowly moving objects such as walkers, crawlers and small vehicles in and around high-sensitivity areas. The system includes one radar sensor integrated into a NEMA-4 rated environmental enclosure, which houses the radar sensor electronics, digital radar processors, radar remote controller, radar data manager, power management and data communications components. The Ku-band radar sensor is a Terma SCANTER 1002 ground surveillance radar. The Accipiter® NM1-T1002 is well suited for airport security applications where early alerting of perimeter breach and tracking of intruders on the ground are critical to direct a response and mitigate threats.
Flexibility and Expandability
The Accipiter® NM1-T1002 Security Radar System is built on Accipiter’s patented Radar Intelligence Network™ (RIN) platform technology which allows it to grow to meet your changing needs, flexibly and affordably. Additional sensors can be integrated, including radar sensors to expand coverage, as well as secondary sensors such as ADS-B, AIS, and cameras to increase awareness.