Hardening machines

1 company | 3 products
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aeronautical hardening machine
aeronautical hardening machine

Clean and store Sherwin and Hoffmann brand TAM panelsMade out of stainless steel the Test Panel Cleaning Bath is ideal for cleaning and storing liquid penetrant test panels and pieces - E.g. Sherwin or Hoffmann brand TAM panels.Inside ...

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Johnson & Allen
aeronautical hardening machine
aeronautical hardening machine

Capacity: 3 l

3 Litre Capacity BathThis compact unit offers unrivalled cleaning performance ensuring test pieces and small components are thoroughly and consistently cleaned for dye penetrants are applied.

See the other products
Johnson & Allen
aeronautical hardening machine
aeronautical hardening machine

The A1J2 Blooper is a bespoke semi-automatic immersion type inspection unit. Components are lowed into a stainless steel tank and submerged in a bath of magnetic ink, energised and then inspected. The A1J2 Blooper is ideal for inspecting ...

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Johnson & Allen
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