Truck-mounted PCA units

2 companies | 4 products
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mobile ACU
mobile ACU

... 2223 mm Weight: 4500 kg The Guinault ACUs provide air conditioning to the aircraft cabin while on the ground. Guinault commits to providing airlines with a real alternative to using an APU on the ...

mobile PCA unit
mobile PCA unit

... 3000 mm Weight: 10100 kg The Guinault ACUs provide air conditioning to the aircraft cabin while on the ground. Guinault commits to providing airlines with a real alternative to using an APU on the ...

mobile ACU
mobile ACU

... 2820 mm Weight: 8500 kg The Guinault ACUs provide air conditioning to the aircraft cabin while on the ground. Guinault commits to providing airlines with a real alternative to using an APU on the ...

towed PCA unit
towed PCA unit

Air flow: 0 m³/h - 23.4 m³/h

... preconditioned air units are available trailer-mounted or truck-mounted and provide variable air flow from 0 kg/s to 6,5 kg/s according to the requirements and constraints. Main ...

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