- Runways, Taxiways - Ground Support >
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- Truck-mounted ground power unit
Truck-mounted ground power units
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Voltage: 28, 115, 200 V
Frequency: 400 Hz
Power: 90 kVA
Nominal air flow rate: t.S kg/s Cold air outlet temperature: -5/*5°C Hot air outlet temperature (option): = +65°C Electrical specifications: Diesel engine: Deutz Dimensions: 5382 x 2220 x 2223 mm Weight: 4800 kg

Voltage: 114 V - 116 V
Frequency: 400 Hz
Power: 90 kVA
... unbalanced load) Phase voltage displacement with balanced load:120°±2° Overload capacity:125%@5min, 150%@10s DC Power:17.1kw DC voltage :28.5V DC current:600 A (continuous)2000A ...

Voltage: 200, 28 V
Frequency: 400 Hz
Power: 90 kVA
Bertoli provides robust, easy to use and maintain 400Hz diesel ground power units from 60 to 180kVA. All models feature a user-friendly electronic device for GPU management through ...

Voltage: 29 V
Frequency: 400 Hz
... Series 400 Hz GPU (Ground Power Unit) features a brushless revolving field generator, rubber torsion axle-mounted of rugged galvanized steel construction ...

Voltage: 200, 115 V
Frequency: 400 Hz
Power: 40 kVA - 180 kVA
Ground Power Unit – GPU is a ground support equipment that supplies power to air-crafts parked on the ground. We manufacture Ground ...

Voltage: 115, 200, 29 V
Frequency: 400 Hz
Power: 40, 90, 140, 60, 180 kVA
... Available in Towable Trailer mounted / Skid Mounted / Self propelled configurations. Ground Support Equipment for aircraft supplies power to a parked aircraft ...

Voltage: 115, 200 V
Frequency: 400 Hz
Power: 140, 120 kVA
The Self-Propelled Ground Power Unit, model EAA-100, 120 and 140 KVA’s, has been designed to provide electric current to all types of aircraft, both commercial and military, whose onboard ...

Voltage: 28 V
Frequency: 400 Hz
Power: 140 kVA
140 kVA – 115/200 V - 400Hz - 28 V(DC) dual voltage version. Super-silenced automotive design ready mounted on truck chassis.
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