Temperature control valves

2 companies | 3 products
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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air valve
air valve

Pressure: 0 psi - 200 psi
Temperature range: 0 °C - 399 °C

... from 15°F minimum to 75°F maximum - Probe proof temperature up to 100°F above set point or 600°F maximum - Probe proof pressure up to 1500 psig - Valve pressure range from 0 to 200 psig - Valve ...

air valve
air valve

Temperature range: -54 °C - 135 °C

... minimum - Probe proof temperature up to 100°F above set point or 600°F maximum - Probe proof pressure up to 1500 psig - SPDT snap action switch element - Electrical chamber hermetically sealed per MIL-HDBK-5400 Para. ...

air valve
air valve

... An engine bleed air system consists of temperature control valves, pressure regulating and shut-off valves, high pressure valves, over-pressure valves, ...

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