Solvent washing machines

3 companies | 4 products
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ultrasonic washing machine
ultrasonic washing machine

Capacity: 40 l - 4,000 l

INTERSONIK K MODEL - MULTI STATION ULTRASONIC WASHING MACHINE INTERSONIK K MODEL is designed and produced according to customer's technical specs. It is commonly used in maintenance purpose washing ...

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water washing machine
water washing machine

Capacity: 400, 250, 300 l

... Type Automatic Washing Machine Powerful wash-rinse-drying process with drum / work piece rotation and tilting!​ Powerful wash-rinse-drying process with drum / work piece rotation and tilting! Operation ...

See the other products
hot washing machine
hot washing machine

Excellent cleaning results with the Java are achieved by operating the standard feature of spray-flood cleaning. The partial flooding of the cleaning chamber is carried out simultaneously to spray cleaning of parts, supported by the patented ...

ultrasonic washing machine
ultrasonic washing machine

... modified hydrocarbons,Vacuum distillation to regenerate the solvent temperature lower than 100°C,Works in a closed circuit, almost no loss of solvent,Zero discharge of effluent.

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