Single-engine aircraft

Cruise speed: 100 kt
Empty weight: 260, 272 kg
Max. take-off weight : 472, 540 kg
... and fuselage. Wing profile and wingtips optimized in the wind tunnel of Toulouse. – HIGH ECONOMY AND HIGH PERFORMANCE UL AIRCRAFT – All the advantages of aluminium frame – All the advantages of glass and carbon fiber ...

Empty weight: 270 kg
Max. take-off weight : 473, 600 kg
Fuel capacity: 100 l
... controls so is real pleasure to fly it. It is also great plane for short sightseeing flights when you want to show broad vicinity of airport to your friends. The SD-2 SportMaster is two seat light airplane ...

Cruise speed: 250 km/h
Empty weight: 300, 360 kg
Max. take-off weight : 480, 600 kg
... , an aircraft can be built in several categories according to the CS-22 rules as a motor glider, according to CS – LSA as a light sport aircraft and according to LTF – UL - 2019 as an ...

Empty weight: 450 kg
Max. take-off weight : 750 kg
Fuel capacity: 120 l
BRISTELL, the Czech light aircraft manufacturer which has produced more than 690 LSA aircraft worldwide, has launched the BRISTELL B23, its next generation low-wing airplane. The B23 has been designed ...
BRM AERO, s.r.o.

Cruise speed: 185 km/h
Empty weight: 290 kg - 330 kg
Max. take-off weight : 540 kg
... within minutes and tow the plane home for storage. The cockpit of the Comet can be converted into many different configurations, such as: ► both seats open cockpit, ► both seat closed cockpit „Double Canopy“ ► ...

Cruise speed: 125 mph
Empty weight: 2,100 lb
Max. take-off weight : 1,150 lb
The radical Aircraft is a culmination of 32 years of Aircraft design and building experience. This design is a very roomy 2+2 aircraft. Even the largest of pilots will find they have ...
Murphy Aircraft Mfg. LTD

Cruise speed: 107 kt
Empty weight: 760 lb
Max. take-off weight : 1,320 lb
The Rally is the latest in state of the art Special Light Sport Aircraft design. The Rally is a result of many years of extensive research and development; carbon fiber and Kevlar are utilized in the construction of the ...

Cruise speed: 138 mph
Empty weight: 667 kg
Max. take-off weight : 1,136 kg
Engine: Lycoming 0-360-C1F (2000hr. TBO) Useful Load: 1030 lbs. (467 kg) Landing (light weight) over obstacle: 900 ft (274 m) More Details Stall Speed (full flaps / power off / light weight) (IAS): 40 mph (35 kts) Take ...
Maule Air, Inc.

Cruise speed: 250 kt
Max. take-off weight : 3,200 lb
Fuel capacity: 70 gal
... of 200 knots (230 mph)... from what must be one of the world's most spacious and practical single engine aircraft! The "XL" stands for Xtra Large...and this plane is ...

Cruise speed: 241 mph - 338 mph
Empty weight: 478 kg - 635 kg
Max. take-off weight : 839 kg - 1,020 kg
Titan Aircraft is pleased to offer the T-51B Mustang. This P-51B replica incorporates material and systems not commonly found in comparably priced aircraft. This, combined with Titan Aircraft's ...
Titan Aircraft

Cruise speed: 141 mph
Empty weight: 1,305 lb
Max. take-off weight : 1,950 lb
STANDARD EQUIPMENT INSTRUMENTS JPI EDM 930 Engine Data Manager Fuel Quantity Gages (Left and Right) Accelerometer Airspeed Indicator (Backlit) Sensitive Altimeter (Backlit) Magnetic Compass (Backlit) AVIONICS PS ...
American Champion Aircraft

... Petrel 912i VLA is a light instruction airplane with easy flying characteristics for students with a rugged structure conformed of steel tubes and fabric covering for easy and low cost maintenance. The engine ...

... where they can be effective. However, these arrangements can be much less sturdy, and in some planes are a known and proven weak spot. NO FLAPS Because aircraft has very low approach speed, the pilot ...

... you have piece of mind. The Wave incorporates a known wing design, materials and technology that you know and understand, engine that is proven and an avionics package you can trust.

... Ranger R7. The Vashon Ranger R7 is the first aircraft designed to fill the gap between aging, under-equipped certificated aircraft and newer but expensive Light Sport Aircraft. The ...

... YEARS WITH 1400+ SETS OF PLANS SOLDProfessional engineer Bob Barrows originally designed the Bearhawk to carry aircraft engines for his engine rebuilding business in 1995. He offered ...
Bearhawk Aircraft

... ConceptThe Panther is designed as a versatile, mid-sized, single seat low wing Sport or LSA aerobatic airplane with quick fold wings. Why?We all know there are 10 different single seat ...

... ; such as camping style chairs or use at Air Shows. There is also a conversion kit available for (non-Camper) TERRIER 200 aircraft already flying. With a days' work your existing TERRIER can become a Camper version.

... composite fairing.Crew members are protected from the weather by a very large wrap around windshield. The propeller and the engine are mounted in a tractor position above and ahead of the crew. The empennage is conventional ...

Ion Aircraft is developing a line of light, two-seat (tandem) airplanes suitable for training, sightseeing, cross-country cruising, making your neighbors weep with jealousy, and generally having fun.The ...
Ion Aircraft

Home | Aircraft Aircraft Email this pagePrint this page 2-Ground-Aircraft seeker-aussie-sunset slide08 slide07 Seeker slide05 slide04 slide02 slide01 PreviousNext The Seeker is a versatile, ...

... The BD-5J, the jet model of the aircraft, had a wingspan of 17 feet. In spite of the fact that the aircraft flew so well, it ran into a serious problem. The engine ...
Bedecorp, LLC

... of aircraft for pilots who dreamed of fly a warbird with the feel of flying a military fighter. Thanks to its heavy-duty structure and the new wing design, it flies very stable allowing to safely perform basic acrobatic ...
Flying Legend

... models. The Lil Rascal LS1 and LS2 are Light Sport compliant single and two seat fully aerobatic LSA aircraft. "This is yet another bold move to bring a 100% America made Lycoming Powered aircraft ...

... forward package for the Jabiru 3300 engine. This includes: all engine controls, carb heat system, oil recovery system, battery mount hardware, oil cooler, and AN fittings with braided lines. As mentioned ...
Arion Aircraft, LLC
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