RS232 pressure sensors

3 companies | 3 products
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absolute pressure sensor
absolute pressure sensor
RPS/DPS 8000

Pressure range: 3.5 bar - 70 bar
Temperature range: -40 °C - 125 °C

... silicon pressure sensor technology platform that provides an order of magnitude greater accuracy and stability than current pressure measurement technologies. The new TERPS technology ...

absolute pressure sensor
absolute pressure sensor
CPT61 series

Pressure range: -15 psi - 6,000 psi
Temperature range: -20 °C - 45 °C

... have an RS-232 or RS-485 interface. The RS-485 interface offers the possibility of a genuine multidrop connection and simple cabling. There are four different baud rates ...

RS232 pressure sensor
RS232 pressure sensor
RPS/DPS 8000

Temperature range: -40 °C - 85 °C

... for use in harsh environments - Multiple Output configurations: RS-232, RS-485, Frequency & Diode (TTL) - Wide selection of pressure & electrical connections to suit ...

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