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- Recovery dolly
Recovery dollies
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DOLL® recovery vehicles mobilise aircraft: using this system, stranded small aircraft and jets, or those that have been in an accident, can be towed to safety quickly and easily. The recovery vehicles ...

DIMENSIONS OF THE RECOVERY PLATFORM LENGTH: 33,5 IN WIDTH: 23,6 IN DEAD WEIGHT: 397 LBS EXAMPLES OF RANGE OF APPLICATION For MLG (Main Landing Gear) aircraft type: Cessna 150-560; Jetstream 41, Learjet ...

Technical Data And Examples Of Range Of Application DIMENSIONS OF THE RECOVERY PLATFORM LENGTH: 49,213 IN WIDTH: 43,307 IN DEAD WEIGHT: 1.529,19 LBS MAIN GEAR BOMBARDIERE CRJ 100/200 | EMBRAER 145 ATR ...

DIMENSIONS OF THE PLATFORM length: 96,5 in width: 70,9 in dead weight: 7.273 lbs Max. ground force (full loaded) 571 lbs/cm MAIN GEAR Boeing B737/200-900 Dash 8/400 Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321 Embraer all ...

DIMENSIONS OF THE PLATFORM length: 96,5 in width: 70,9 in dead weight: 11.023,1 lbs Max. ground force (full loaded) 668 lbs/cm MAIN GEAR Boeing B737/200-900 · Dash 8/400 Boeing B767 200/300 Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321 Embraer ...

DIMENSIONS OF THE PLATFORM length: 202,4 in width: 100 in dead weight about: 34.172 lbs Max. ground force (full loaded) 714 lbs/cm EXAMPLES OF RANGE OF APPLICATION Airbus A330/ A340/ A350/ A380 Boeing B747/ B777/ B787
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