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Real-time software

... tools such as the Accipiter® Radar Common Operating Picture (COP) and ThreatViewer™ give watch standers and dispatchers a real-time map-view of target tracks from all sensors with built-in, 24-hour rapid ...

... Scheduling – Optimisation – Forecasting TracingLine©, software designed specifically for aircraft operators and maintenance shops. Tracks data, images and operators (electronic signature). Real-time ...

MTESTQuattro® is an advanced materials testing system for servo-hydraulic and electromechanical testing machines. Its unique design consists of a PC-based application program and an easy-to-install external interface box which makes MTESTQuattro ...

NVGate is the OROS software platform. It manages instruments’ setup and signal analysis in both real-time and post-processing. NVGate is the link between data acquisition and analysis ...

AIRPORT OPERATIONAL DATABASE Intersystems rapidhub is a powerful turnkey airport operational database (AODB) developed to integrate all other airport subsystems and shared data together into a single database, determine the correct version ...
InterSystems (Asia Pacific) Pty Ltd

The Hermes Cargo Management System controls the inbound/import and outbound/export processes for both airline hubs and GHA warehouses
Hermes Logistics Technologies Ltd.

... large number of robust features. Flight VectorTM has two core purposes. The first is to provide users with an accurate, real-time accounting of their fleet, including the position and status of each ...
Flight Vector

... reduces the risk of error, fraud and the insider threat. IDGateway has been proven to significantly decrease ID pass turnaround times and speed up throughput in your ID Centre, creating efficiency in your processes and ...

... ground. Satellite, streets and maps, or any user supplied map supported NTSC or PAL recording. Playback includes video, GPS time, plus payload and sensor footprint GPS locationsMoving Map display Moving target indicator ...

... the perfect service for data portrayal, digital briefing and in-cockpit data visualization.The D-NOTAM Gateway features:Real time NOTAM import from different sources like EADRepublishes NOTAMs in an ...

... He chooses when he wants to pass and can follow his on going remaining waiting time... He can cancel or reschedule his passage at any time He is notified at the right time Lineberty ...

A complete solution for your fleet operations Get control of your office administration, crew, fleet, regulatory compliance and documentation. Fleetplan brings people and information together on a single, integrated and trusted platform. Digital ...

... Increased outputs & enhanced productivity from every technician Real-time fault notification via email/online Geo-location of active/inactive equipment Recent O&M history available at all times All ...

For the most critical tests time history data can be recorded in parallel with vibration control with no reduction in control performance. The real-time throughput data capture function ...
m+p international

The TWO is entirely operated form the computer software. The measured data are presented in real time and at the same time saved to database. Photos can be taken any ...

... of geospatial data to craft complex situational displays. The system incorporates data from multiple sources, including real-time data feeds, databases, maps and images. Any number of data sources can ...

... meeting all current and future ICAO flight tracking requirements efficiently. Extra features include personalised alerts, real-time information on destination airports, analysis of past operations, as ...

... infrastructures and the latest digital systems. ilex sends video data to a distributed relational database, incorporating real-time cataloguing within video picture, automatic reporting of alarms and ...

... consistent and timely data for operations planning and management. AMORPH.aero provides real-time access to applications and data from any location, saving time and enabling informed ...

... usage. Main features Compatible with the Helix platform and Leski gates Up to 12 gates can be checked at the same time Real-time display of ticket data Access to a chronology ...

... transformation, etc. are taken into account „Reaction time“ = 0 !!! (breaking distances are taken into account in the NC interpolator in advance, so that the result is not just near real time, ...

... , Type B. Monitor the progress of every flight in real-time and connect people movement and baggage flows. When can you see it all at a glance, it’s easier to orchestrate teams and improve on-time ...

... operations with PDC AODB and connect with all the other vital systems like Slot Coordination, AIMS, BHS, Docking, FIDS and AFAS real time. Manage your airport operations with PDC AODB Cover all ...

... and mishandled bags - Instant Access – software can be accessed via Internet using secure HTTPS and/or intranet OPERATIONAL BENEFITS - Enhanced operational efficiency with full integration and real-time ...
Zafire Aviation Software Ltd

SmartBag is a comprehensive baggage management solution used by many of the world’s largest airports, airlines, and ground handlers. It provides bag room and ramp staff with the latest technology for tracking baggage, reducing mishandled ...
Brock Solutions
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