Porcelain cups

5 companies | 6 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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aircraft cup
aircraft cup

Premium Cabin delivers exiting sensory experiences through innovative material use, surprising textures and inspired design to create service driven fine dining moments. One that’s both unique and authentic. Gone are the days of the classic ...

aircraft cup
aircraft cup

... of Shangdong and Zibo is known historically in china as a premier ceramics city with a deep tradition in beautifully made porcelain and bone china. We have been supplying elegantly produced chinaware to airlines and ...

aircraft drinking glass
aircraft drinking glass

aircraft cabin cup
aircraft cabin cup

Made out of Porcelain or Bone China Can be branded and Personalised Capacity: 90ml

See the other products
Sky Blue
aircraft cabin cup
aircraft cabin cup

Made out of Porcelain or Bone China Can be branded and Personalised Capacity: 150ml

See the other products
Sky Blue
aircraft cabin cup
aircraft cabin cup

... onboard services. For enquiries regarding rotable sets, contact us to discuss other available options. Grey TC5 Rotable Cup 100

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