Piston engine aircraft

... nautical miles 4 stroke JABIRU 3300 cc engine designed specifically for the Jabiru aircraft. Gentle and predictable stall characteristics, together with light and responsive controls, make JABIRU a ...

Autonomy: 6 h
... restrictive European regulations for light aircraft. Simplicity at your fingertips. Aviation is usually synonym of complex cockpits filled with gauges, buttons and switches. Not in the Elixir. Flight parameters, ...

Cruise speed: 108, 91, 97 kt
Empty weight: 475, 455, 474 kg
Max. take-off weight : 690 kg

Cruise speed: 100 kt
Empty weight: 430 kg
Max. take-off weight : 655 kg

... that. A blazing fast, 200+ mph composite built aircraft. With top speeds up to 215 knots, the Tango has little competition to keep up with. And with prices less expensive than most light sport aircraft, ...
Revolution Aviation Incorporated

... satisfaction for the pilot and passenger. Available with the world’s leading aero engine for all LSA aircraft, the Rotax 912 series. The aircraft is a high wing STOL aircraft ...
AEROPRO Slovak Republic

... absolutely fun and safe aircraft that has no equal in it's class. With useful loads up to 800 pounds, 27 gallon fuel capacity, 150 pound cargo capacity and STOL performance, the Super Sport is just waiting to take you ...
Kitfox Aircraft LLC

the Freedom S100 is a side-by-side 2-seat amphibious aircraft with a dual stick control system, designed to fulfill the requirements of the Light Sports Aircraft (LSA) specifications. The T-shape tail ...
Colyaer SL

About the Aircraft Sonex is a basic and economical, easy to build, all metal two place monoplane. Designed to meet the needs of the European and Domestic sport aircraft markets, it can incorporate various ...
Sonex Aircraft LLC

... released in 2020. Europa Aircraft are pleased to announce the launch of the Elite, a brand-new British kit plane due for release in 2020. This VLA-catergorised aircraft is an all composite, ...
Europa Aircraft UK

The GENESIS is the answer for the pilot who wants a modern, two-place, roomy, side-by-side aircraft for a price below that of a 30-year old Cessna. Available with your choice of dual yoke controls or center stick, the ...
Slip Stream International

... feeling of higher weight category aircraft, in fact it joins the ultralight category thanks to high quality carbon technology, which guarantees excellent strength characteristics. Retaining high safety factors, this plane ...

The SABERWING is a new aircraft designed and purpose built as an answer to many problems that we have seen in the kit built, two place, aircraft market. There are several focal points that we considered ...

FX1 The FX1 is a 4th-generation sport plane with a strong heritage, evolved from successful European sport-planes of the last three decades. This modern computer-aided design (CAD) has been carefully engineered to optimize ...

... Sonaca group's experience (over eighty years of experience in aerostructure), Sonaca Aircraft has developed and marketed the Sonaca 200, a certified two-seater aircraft that combines in-flight performance ...

... water operations. Special attention has been paid to aircraft’s safe operation and ATOL even reminds for proper landing gear position prior to landing. The entire nose section, cockpit interior and engine ...

The E-350 Expedition is one of the most versatile aircraft on the market. Its five seat design coupled with industry leading useful load and full fuel payload means friends and baggage are rarely left behind. Its unique ...
Pacific Aerospace Ltd

... drag. This results in her high performance, fuel efficiency and low operational costs. It is ideally suited as a training aircraft and if specially equipped constitutes an ideal low cost IFR training platform whereby ...

The NG is an improved version of the SS, which has accumulated over 40,000 flight hours in commercial and private operations.

... design. It’s why the A5 looks as dramatic and the experience delivers.Rotax 912iS SportAmong the most widely used light aircraft engines, the Rotax 912 is reliable, lightweight, and efficient. The A5 ...

... build light sport aircraft... Perfect for Sport Pilot. The Twinstar Mark III may be powered by a wide variety of engines from the 52 hp Rotax 503 to the 100 hp Rotax 912S or Jabiru 2200. To handle ...

Empty weight: 340 kg
Max. take-off weight : 600 kg
Fuel capacity: 94 l
... these missions. The aircraft is extremely comfortable with the widest cabin in its class and offers generous headroom making the aircraft perfect for all sizes of pilots. Due to its simplistic ...

Cruise speed: 135 kt
Empty weight: 335 kg
Max. take-off weight : 600 kg
... favourable behaviour of the LEGEND aircraft in the air means that the aircraft is suited for use in flight training. Thanks to its high performance the plane may also be used for towing ...

... design, outstanding flight characteristics and half the operating costs compared to conventional training aircraft make the SportStar RTC the ideal airplane for PPL / Part FCL training in flight schools, ...

Cruise speed: 200, 220 km/h
Empty weight: 380 kg
Max. take-off weight : 630 kg
The AT-3 is an all-metal semi-stressed skin aircraft certified by EASA in the Very Light Airplane category. Developable surface construction with fairings and cowlings made of carbon-fibre glass composite. ...
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