Oxygen masks

8 companies | 16 products
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pilot oxygen mask
pilot oxygen mask

Resulting from an integrated system approach, Safran Aerosystems pilot and crew oxygen solutions include oxygen masks, oxygen cylinders and protective breathing equipment. ...

aircraft cabin oxygen mask
aircraft cabin oxygen mask
Sweep-On® 2000

... ,000 feet, the mask features a demand regulator that operates in three modes – NORM, 100% and EMER – with a single knob. In the NORM (normal/diluter) position, the regulator provides supplemental oxygen ...

aircraft oxygen mask
aircraft oxygen mask

This mask is a passenger mask assembly including the standard re-breather mask, flow indicator, and a preset plug. These masks have a fixed flow orifice in the Plug-In ...

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aircraft oxygen mask
aircraft oxygen mask

... installation by Mountain High. Kits not sold separately. Price $411.00 Includes Parts and Labor. (Mask NOT included) Customer must supply own mask. NOTE: Military facemasks typically incorporate ...

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MH Oxygen/Co-Guardian
aircraft oxygen mask
aircraft oxygen mask

MBU-12/P Oxygen Mask - With CX-4707 CordThe MBU-12/P oxygen mask is currently being used by the U.S. Military. The shape of the mask provides excellent ...

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Gibson & Barnes
pilot oxygen mask
pilot oxygen mask

... situation requiring use of an oxygen mask. Automatic Dilution Control ensures the proper mix of oxygen and air is provided at a specific altitude and switches to 100% at the proper time. ...

aircraft oxygen mask
aircraft oxygen mask

Our mask drop down boxes, nebulizer kits, and mask assemblies are configurable and can use different hoses, hose length and mask types based on your needs. Our Oxygen ...

aircraft oxygen mask
aircraft oxygen mask

Precise Flight’s standard aviation face mask. Comfortable and quick donning, this mask is certified to 25,000 Ft., and works perfectly with Precise Flight’s A5 Flowmeters.

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