Navigation software

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flight planning software
flight planning software

Live in-flight tracking via 3G/Cellular networks or satellite. Your location can be shared with others via the website. If you do not turn up at your destination we have some idea of where to begin to search. AvPlan EFB ...

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AvPlan EFB
management software
management software

MACH 7 is a next-generation software for flight planning and GPS navigation for VFR pilots. It associates the advantages of web and tablets. Its main characteristics are the following: Total intuitiveness: ...

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flight analysis software
flight analysis software

SprayView allows you to create powerful flight reports. With both SprayView and NavViewW, you can create a detailed flight data report with spray data. SprayViewW allows you to create additional reports which can be customized with the ...

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flight planning software
flight planning software

FLIGHT PLANNING DRONE APP FOR HIGH RESOLUTION PHOTOSHOOTING Designed for land surveying, construction and infrastructure mapping, DatuFly™ drone app optimizes flight and image capturing per job type. The image taking plan is executed ...

navigation software
navigation software

... interface to visualize time, position, attitude and related information (TSPI) streaming from a single or multiple Geodetics navigation systems. VYO can also be used to display recorded data.The Geo-iNAV® and other Geodetics ...

air traffic management software
air traffic management software

... dedicated solution. This is also a requirement for the implementation of SWIM, virtual centres and remote towers. Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) integrate multiple technologies (e.g. MPLS, microwave, VSAT) ...

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Systems Interface Limited
control software
control software

The Robota GCS (Ground Control System) is the intuitive interface that commands our vehicles and Goose autopilot. Flight planning can be performed by simply clicking waypoints on a map, or by dropping search patterns over the area ...

navigation software
navigation software
Avionics™ 4.0.

... interactive training modules in 5 hours teach traditional VOR navigation through advanced GPS and FMS advanced avionics. What kind of pilot are you? An advanced avionics type? A traditional navigation ...

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management software
management software

The AVIONIX tsd (Traffic Situation Display) allows air traffic controllers to monitor the current traffic situation in the terminal area (TMA). tsd provides a map background of the TMA including all necessary information. In an additional ...

flight planning software
flight planning software

NavPath Advanced Flight Planning Software for UAS NavPath is a modern UAS flight planning tool that combines an immersive 3D environment, ease of use, and a powerful feature set to enable UAS operators to focus on the ...

navigation software
navigation software

... -ES” Industrial consortium. NEXT has been involved in many phases of the system lifecycle in charge of software verification and validation, software components integration, database and information management ...

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management software
management software
MAX Load

MAX Load is the a complete low cost graphical aircraft Weight & Balance system designed for Low Cost Airlines. Integrates with any DCS system and offers multiple options for load planning and trim sheet management.

piloting software
piloting software

... of voice messages with actual information for pilots. Automatic broadcasting of voice messages in the frame of the Air Navigation Services as a support equipment. Fully digital system capable to cooperate with both ...

test software
test software

... acquisition of high fidelity test data and achieve dramatic improvements in overall test speeds. AeroPro test management software features a tightly integrated control and data acquisition user interface and unmatched ...

planning software
planning software

... and distance to the boundary. The clear five-minute line helps plan where you’ll be heading and the relative position read out makes position reports a doddle. Bring traffic awareness to your flying ...

reporting software
reporting software

... Airside Driving Permits Grass Cutting Policy Loss of High Voltage Power NOTAM and SNOWTAM Fire Department Daily Report Navigation equipment and visual signs/marking check Aircraft Deicing protocol WHAT MAKES ...

management software
management software

Set up seats and stretchers, add your rescue, medical or any other gear you use and create equipment configurations for any helicopter and mission you fly. A crew database supports quick selection of flight crews as well as medical, ...

control software
control software

AheadX Space is the new generation ground control software for SAGI/LEOguidance navigation control system which is developed by AheadX with new designed interface, graphical visual display for key information ...

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AheadX Tech (Beijing) Co. Ltd.
management software
management software

A forecast tool to help you plan your maintenance and ground time A complete solution designed for aircraft operators and maintenance shops. TracingNav© is a management tool to optimise aircraft fleet availability and foresee ground ...

navigation software
navigation software

GéoTITAN® In collaboration with l’Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ENAC), CGX markets and develops GéoTITAN®, a software package used to design instrumented flight trajectories and identify protection areas, in ...

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control software
control software

CLOUD CAP TECHNOLOGY VIEWPOINT TASE PAYLOAD USER INTERFACE SOFTWAREKey FeaturesClick map or video to autonomously point payload at specific GPS location on the groundMulti-camera picture-in-picture displayInteractive map displays location ...

navigation software
navigation software
Digital NOTAM Gateway

The Digital NOTAM Gateway imports text based NOTAMs and republishes them as AIXM Digital NOTAMs via a powerful WFS-TE interface. Among others, it is the perfect service for data portrayal, digital briefing and in-cockpit data visualization.The ...

flight planning software
flight planning software

... . FDMS handles incomplete or inaccurate received messages simply and effectively by returning the message to an operator position and flagging it for their attention. The message can then be repaired, corrected and resubmitted ...

aircraft operator management software
aircraft operator management software

... clicking on the linked information; no ”Windows like file manager tree organization and searching” will be required; navigation becomes much faster, easier and intuitive;

monitoring software
monitoring software

CAMO Web Interface (CAM) Reliable surveillance and control of continuous airworthiness: Flight data recording and monitoring of maintenance due dates and due items Flight data entry and monitoring via web and manual Compliance check ...

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