Infrared measuring instruments

2 companies | 4 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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air quality measuring instrument
air quality measuring instrument

... classrooms, lecture halls, etc. The CO2 / carbon dioxide measuring device helps to ensure that, for example, there is regular ventilation for employees in the office. The CO2 / carbon dioxide measuring ...

air flow measuring instrument
air flow measuring instrument
VA 11

The air flow meter PCE-VA 11 is an extensively used measuring instrument. The air flow meter provides the opportunity to determine air speeds, air temperature and infrared temperature. ...

air flow measuring instrument
air flow measuring instrument

The air flow meter PCE-VA 11 is an extensively used measuring instrument. The air flow meter provides the opportunity to determine air speeds, air temperature and infrared temperature. ...

power measuring instrument
power measuring instrument

... needed. The Radiant Vision Systems Near-Infrared (NIR) Intensity Lens system is an integrated camera/lens solution that measures the angular distribution and radiant intensity of 850 or 940 nm* near-infrared ...

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